Trade fairs

Trade fairs

You like to explore our products with your own hands? Visit us on one of the next trade fair or exebition. Check out our trade fair portal for more information.

Get an overview: our fair information portal


Sie wollen unsere Products hautnah erleben und sich persönlich vor Ort von unseren Qualitäten überzeugen? Erfahren Sie in unserem Messeportal alles über bevorstehende Messen, Konferenzen und sonstigen Veranstaltungen.

Use the individual booking tool to make an appointment with us directly at the next trade fair. Find all information about which products and novelties will be presented on site.

Cosmetic Business München 2021

From the 20th to the 21st of october we took part at the Cosmetic Business 2021 in Munich/Germany. After the successfully opening at the Fachpack in Nuremberg/Germany in september it was the second trade fair this year. What a great feeling to be back after a long covid break.

On the Cosmetic Business we brought our newest development, the EPROPLAST Aerosol, with us. Check out some photos.


EFRE 2016 EEB 0006 - 068
Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and accompanying measures, end of project 31.08.2016

EFRE 2016 EEI 0272 - 068
Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and accompanying measures, end of project 31.10.2017

EFRE 2020 EEB 0118 - 068
Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and accompanying measures, end of project 31.03.2021

GRW funding 01.04.2016 until 31.07.2019
Capacity expansion hall 5 incl. machines, plants and silo

GRW funding 01.08.2020 until 31.07.2023 Capacity expansion hall 6 incl. machines and equipment for the production of preforms and bottles

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