
Hot filling

Hot filling in PET

Hot filling in PET

Hot filling in PET

Hot filling in PET bottles: Shelf life and quality for food

PET Hotfill bottles

PET packaging for filling hot foods

Hot filling is a filling technology that has been tried and tested for many years and enables products to be filled in a microbiologically safe manner.

This method is particularly suitable for fruit juices, sauces, soups and ketchup.

Our Hotfill (HF) bottle series are specially developed for filling hot products at up to 87 °C. 

The pet hotfill blowing process

PET hot filling

In the PET hotfill blow moulding process, heat is applied to the PET to create crystallisation in the molecular structure. This crystallisation makes it possible to fill hot liquids without the bottle shrinking uncontrollably.

The transparency of PET is retained despite crystallization.

HOTFILL TECHNIQUES for PET bottles in comparison

PEt standard hotfill technology with ring structure

Conventional PET hotfill bottles are equipped with so-called panel or ring structures to compensate for the volume contraction of the product after cooling.

Properties PET-STANDARD-HOTFILL technology

Paneless PET hotfill technology without ring structure

In order to use hotfill bottles without a ring structure, nitrogen is added during the filling process. The resulting pressure build-up prevents the bottles from contracting in volume when the hot products cool down. 

This enables the use of hotfill bottles without a ring structure or panels.

Advantages of PANELESS PET-HOTFILL technology

other applications for pet hotfill bottles

Filling food microbiologically and safely

The PET hot filling process can be used in many areas and guarantees microbiologically flawless filling.

Unsere Hotfill-Technologie eignet sich besonders für:

Your advantages with EPROPLAST PET bottles for hot filling

With our Hotfill PET bottles we offer you:

FSSC 22000 - our hygiene concept at eproplast

Today, who would GmbH places the highest demands on food safety and product quality.

Our products are FSSC22000-certified (Food Safety System Certification), which guarantees the highest quality and reliably safe handling of food packaging.

PET-Flaschen mit tethered caps zur Abfüllung von heißen Lebensmitteln und Getränken.


EFRE 2016 EEB 0006 - 068
Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and accompanying measures, end of project 31.08.2016

EFRE 2016 EEI 0272 - 068
Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and accompanying measures, end of project 31.10.2017

EFRE 2020 EEB 0118 - 068
Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and accompanying measures, end of project 31.03.2021

GRW funding 01.04.2016 until 31.07.2019
Capacity expansion hall 5 incl. machines, plants and silo

GRW funding 01.08.2020 until 31.07.2023 Capacity expansion hall 6 incl. machines and equipment for the production of preforms and bottles

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